Four Yoga Poses to Boost Flexibility and Stability

3 min read

Yoga has played a significant role in my journey to recovery. Following a severe foot injury, I experienced feelings of exhaustion and depression. Fortunately, yoga enabled me to gradually regain my strength, flexibility, and confidence. It has become an indispensable part of my daily routine. Here are four yoga poses that have greatly contributed to my physical and mental well-being:

The Warrior 3 “Virabhadrasana III”
This pose is particularly effective for enhancing balance and stability in the standing leg, as well as engaging the small muscles of the feet and ankles. To execute Warrior 3:
– Begin in a standing position with feet hip-width apart and hands in a prayer position.
– Lift one foot off the ground, extending the leg behind you while leaning forward and extending the arms in front of you.
– Keep the body parallel to the floor and maintain the position for 30 seconds or longer, if possible. Switch legs and repeat.

The Tree Pose “Vrksasana”
This pose cultivates a sense of balance and strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, thighs, and spine. Follow these steps to perform the Tree Pose:
– Commence in mountain pose with feet together and hands by your side.
– Raise one leg and place the foot inside the thigh or above the ankle, bringing your hands into a prayer position.
– Slowly stretch your arms over the head and hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

The Chair Pose “Utkatasana”
The Chair Pose is effective in toning the core, increasing ankle mobility, and strengthening the feet, ankles, thighs, and legs. Here’s how to do it:
– Begin in mountain pose standing with feet together and arms by your side.
– Stretch your arms straight above your head and sit back, keeping your knees over your ankles.
– Hold the pose for 30 seconds or longer and then return to standing position.

The Downward Facing Dog “Adho Mukha Svanasana”
This pose provides a comprehensive stretch for the entire body, strengthens the ankles, and tones the legs. To perform Downward Facing Dog:
– Start on your hands and knees and tuck your toes under, lifting your knees off the floor.
– Elevate your pelvis toward the ceiling and lengthen your spine while pressing the floor firmly through your fingers and palms.
– Hold the pose for 30 seconds or longer.

These yoga poses have not only contributed to my physical well-being, but have also played a significant role in rebuilding my confidence and strength. I encourage you to incorporate them into your daily routine and experience the transformative benefits for yourself.

Authored by Marina Gask.