Reducing Environmental Noise Pollution: A Path Forward

In the final decades of the 20th century, environmental movements led to significant legislative and regulatory actions to address various types of pollutants. While the impact of noise pollution on public health, the environment, and the economy has been acknowledged during the same period, it has received far less attention in terms of policy. The detrimental effects of noise pollution on human health continue to grow, yet effective solutions and actual reductions in environmental noise remain elusive.

To address this issue, a prospectus for environmental noise reduction through technology-forcing policies has been developed. Technology-forcing policies aim to encourage technological solutions for pollution control through regulations, and have played a crucial role in reducing environmental pollutants. The prospectus draws on the unique policy history for noise in the United States and compares it to outcomes from contemporaneous environmental legislation for air, water, and occupational pollution control. This comparison demonstrates the potential for technology-forcing to reduce noise pollution.

The program outlined in the prospectus consists of three steps: identifying dominant sources of noise pollution, combining legislative or regulatory provisions with suitable systems of enforcement and incentives, and anticipating and preparing for stages of technological change.

Furthermore, the prospectus highlights the potential for technology-forcing regulations to promote innovation and diffusion of technologies to reduce environmental noise pollution. It emphasizes the need to support the development of technology-forcing noise policies to ensure that the benefits of reduced noise pollution are distributed equitably.

This prospectus provides a comprehensive review of the potential for technology-forcing to address environmental noise pollution and offers a promising path forward. It underscores the importance of technology-forcing regulations in promoting innovation and reducing noise pollution, and calls for concerted efforts to develop and implement effective noise policies.

In conclusion, the prospectus demonstrates the potential of technology-forcing policies to drive innovation and reduce environmental noise pollution. It provides a robust framework for the development of technology-forcing noise policies and underscores the importance of addressing noise pollution to promote public health and environmental well-being.