Samsung’s Next-Level AI Chip Game Plan

3 min read

Samsung recently unveiled an ambitious plan at its annual foundry forum in California’s Silicon Valley, outlining a roadmap for their chip technology aimed at enticing AI chip makers to its manufacturing business. This strategic move is pivotal in maintaining a competitive edge in the swiftly evolving AI era.

Despite its prominence in the memory-chip market, Samsung has been striving to catch up with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) in the foundry market, where companies fabricate custom-designed chips. TrendForce reported that Samsung’s share in the foundry market dwindled to 11% in the first quarter of this year, while TSMC’s share surged to 61.7% during the same period.

Encouragingly, the escalating demand for components used in AI computing systems is bolstering Samsung’s earnings, particularly in the main memory chip division. This presents lucrative opportunities for the company to secure outsourcing orders from leading AI technology firms.

However, Samsung faces stiff competition in attracting high-profile customers such as Nvidia, a major AI accelerator producer. The company must unequivocally demonstrate that its production capabilities are cutting-edge and dependable enough to meet the rigorous demands of these top-tier players. Additionally, Samsung is gearing up to compete with Intel, which is striving to secure orders from former rivals as it expands its own production facilities.

The crux of Samsung’s appeal to potential customers lies in its advanced production technology, which focuses on delivering superior performance electronic components. The company’s state-of-the-art process exploits backside power delivery network technology, a pivotal feature that boosts power, performance, and area while minimizing voltage drop. Samsung is confident that its comprehensive range of capabilities, from logic and memory to advanced packaging, will give it a competitive advantage in securing outsourced semiconductor manufacturing orders for AI-related chips.

Looking ahead, Samsung foresees substantial growth in its AI-related customer base and revenue. The company projects a fivefold increase in its customer list and a ninefold surge in revenue by 2028. To realize this ambitious goal, Samsung has introduced several new types of production technology tailored for AI-related chips, positioning itself as a formidable player in the competitive industry.

Samsung’s notable achievements include its gate-all-around (GAA) technology, a pivotal component for AI products. The company is poised to commence mass production of its second-generation 3-nm process later this year, with plans to introduce GAA on its 2-nm process. Furthermore, Samsung has etched its name in the annals of history by becoming the first in the industry to commence mass production of GAA-based 3-nm technology in 2022.

With preparations for its 1.4-nm technology progressing seamlessly, Samsung is on course for mass production in 2027, reaffirming its commitment to remaining at the vanguard of the chip industry.

In conclusion, Samsung’s bold roadmap for chip technology underscores its unwavering resolve to establish a firm foothold in the AI market. As it continues to push the envelope of innovation and performance, the company is well-poised to attract key players in the AI chip industry and retain its dominance in the ever-evolving technological landscape.