Vibe Fest Shining a Light on Plant-Based Business and Healthy Living in Louisiana

2 min read

A local vegan restaurant in Baton Rouge is generating attention by utilizing its platform to promote and educate the public about plant-based businesses in the area. This Sunday, they will be hosting an event called Vibe Fest, dedicated to celebrating a healthy and plant-based lifestyle.

Nikki Thompson, the owner of Veganish Vibes, is committed to highlighting the vegan community in Baton Rouge. She expressed, “The vegan community in a hole. We don’t get enough recognition.” With this sentiment in mind, she is taking matters into her own hands by organizing Vibe Fest. The objective is to raise awareness of other small plant-based businesses in the state and provide them with a platform to showcase their products.

Vibe Fest is best described as a vegan pop-up shop. Every vendor at the event will offer 100% plant-based products, including fresh juices, sea moss gels, fresh vegetables, and microgreens. Kimberly Spruill, owner of Juicer’s Delight, is eager to participate in the event. She hopes that the festival not only brings attention to her business but also serves as an opportunity to educate others about the importance of healthy eating. Spruill stated, “I am all about encouraging people to live a healthy, healed, and whole life and having them understand that what we put in our bodies is so important.”

One notable aspect of Vibe Fest, as emphasized by Thompson, is that it is open to everyone, not just vegans. The purpose is to provide an enjoyable experience for all who are willing to explore the world of plant-based living. In her words, “People think that eating vegan food or being vegan is like, oh, I just eat grass or they’re tree huggers. No, we eat, you know, our flavor is not compromised. So, come out and get a gist of what we get to experience on a daily.”

The festival will take place from noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 16 at 4698 Bennington Ave. in Baton Rouge. In addition to the delectable plant-based food offerings, attendees can also look forward to music, giveaways, and the chance to support local retailers.

Vibe Fest represents an exciting opportunity to support local plant-based businesses and embrace a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. It is an event that promises to not only delight the taste buds but also educate and inspire individuals to consider the benefits of embracing more plant-based options in their lives.