The Impact of Lifestyle Choices on Fertility

2 min read

Recent warnings from medical professionals have highlighted the significant impact of lifestyle choices on fertility. Stress, obesity, and diet have been identified as the primary causes of infertility, underscoring the importance of individuals being mindful of how their daily choices can affect their ability to conceive.

Dr. Amal Hassan Abddelaziz, the Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Consultant at the Thumbay University Hospital-Ajman, has emphasized the detrimental impact of poor dietary choices and sedentary lifestyles on the fertility of both men and women. For women, being overweight can lead to irregular menstrual periods and ovulation, while for men, it can result in reduced sperm counts and quality.

In addition to lifestyle factors, the postponement of pregnancy due to career-focused lives can accelerate age-related declines in reproductive function. As women age, their egg quality and quantity decline, while men experience a decrease in sperm quality and quantity.

Factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity also have a negative impact on fertility. According to Dr. Deepa Rajan, a specialist in laparoscopic gynaecology and obstetrics at Aster Hospital, Al Qusais, smoking damages eggs, sperm, and reproductive organs, while excessive alcohol consumption can lead to similar fertility issues. Moreover, both too little and too much exercise can affect fertility, highlighting the importance of moderate, regular exercise.

A balanced, nutrient-dense diet high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids is essential for reproductive health, as it regulates hormones and supports the growth of eggs. For men, including minerals like zinc and selenium, as well as vitamins C and E, in their diet is crucial for supporting healthy sperm.

Medical professionals recommend that individuals under 35 years old without known reproductive problems attempt to conceive naturally for around a year before seeking testing. Women over 35 years old should consider testing after six months due to age-related decreases in fertility. Additionally, those with a medical history of reproductive issues or lifestyles that impact fertility should seek testing early.

Regular gynaecological exams for women and semen analysis for men are important for monitoring fertility. Understanding these lifestyle factors and being proactive in adopting healthier practices can significantly improve fertility outcomes for individuals and couples hoping to conceive.

Given the increasing challenges on the journey to parenthood, it is crucial to address lifestyle factors that may hinder fertility. By doing so, individuals can enhance their chances of conceiving and ensure overall reproductive health.