Fashion Frenzy: Reiss Joins TikTok Flash Mob Craze

2 min read

Fashion brand Reiss has made a bold move into the realm of TikTok by participating in the latest ‘finance bro’ flash mob trend. This unexpected decision has attracted significant attention and generated excitement among social media users.

The video, filmed outside the Reiss store in the heart of London’s financial district, was created by the brand’s in-house social team. Despite the impromptu nature of the project, the choreography and video were completed in just three days, showcasing the brand’s agility and creativity.

The decision to delve into the world of TikTok dance culture was inspired by a video posted in April by the account @girl_on_couch. The video gained popularity and evolved into a trend, leading to a top-watched video featuring men strutting around London in gilets, shirts, and chinos.

The flash mob, set against the backdrop of Liverpool Street Station, attracted significant attention and engagement, becoming a viral sensation on TikTok. The choice of location was strategic, as the station serves the banks of London, making it the perfect setting for the ‘finance bro’ spectacle.

One of the most notable aspects of Reiss’s video is the seamless integration of its menswear collection with the original TikTok trend. All the dancers are styled in Reiss apparel, effectively tying the brand into the narrative. Moreover, the video was shot outside the Reiss store at Leadenhall Market, a popular hangout spot for the ‘finance bros’ after a long day at work.

This bold move marks a departure from Reiss’s usual content on TikTok, which typically features polished, stylish content showcasing their clothing. The video has achieved impressive engagement, racking up over 661,500 views as of June 20, a significant leap from their previous posts.

Reiss’s venture into the TikTok dance culture exemplifies the brand’s versatility and willingness to embrace new trends and platforms. By seamlessly blending their menswear collection with a viral TikTok trend, Reiss has demonstrated a keen understanding of the current social media landscape and a willingness to engage with diverse and unconventional content.

With this successful venture into TikTok, Reiss has positioned itself as a brand that is not only attuned to the latest trends but is also unafraid to push the boundaries and captivate audiences in new and unexpected ways. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Reiss’s innovative approach sets a compelling example for brands seeking to make a memorable impact in the realm of social media.