The Founding of SSI: A New Era in AI Safety

2 min read

Ilya Sutskever, the former Chief Scientist at OpenAI, has recently announced the establishment of a new company called SSI, which stands for Safe Superintelligence. This announcement comes following his departure from OpenAI last month. The primary objective of SSI is to create a safe superintelligence – a singular product that commands the undivided focus of the company.

In a recent announcement on X, Sutskever disclosed the primary aim of SSI, emphasizing the company’s dedication to AI safety. The newly launched SSI website, while currently minimalist, has outlined the formation of the world’s first safe superintelligence lab. This initiative has been led by Sutskever, former Apple director Daniel Gross, and former OpenAI engineer Daniel Levy.

A notable aspect of SSI’s approach is their emphasis on advancing AI capabilities while ensuring that safety takes precedence. The company is committed to co-developing safety measures alongside AI advancements. This approach aligns with the remarks of AI expert Sahil Agarwal, who highlighted the interlinked nature of innovation and safety within a growing company.

Sutskever’s departure from OpenAI was marked by controversy involving the dismissal of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, followed by a subsequent reinstatement. This incident led to Sutskever and his co-lead on an AI safety project, Jan Leike, resigning from OpenAI. While Sutskever expressed confidence in OpenAI’s ability to develop safe and beneficial AI under Altman’s leadership, Leike cited the diminishing focus on safety processes and culture at OpenAI as a primary reason for his departure.

The launch of SSI represents a significant moment in the pursuit of AI safety, laying the groundwork for potential advancements in the field. Given Sutskever’s extensive expertise and experience, the establishment of SSI is positioned to make substantial contributions to the realm of artificial intelligence.

As the developments within SSI continue to unfold, the industry will undoubtedly look to the company as a symbol of progress in the critical domain of AI safety. The establishment of SSI signifies a promising path for the future of artificial intelligence, characterised by an unwavering commitment to safety and ethical advancement.