Revolutionizing Carbon Capture and Sequestration: CORMETECH and Ozona’s Game-changing Partnership

2 min read

CORMETECH Inc. and Ozona CCS LLC have entered into a ground-breaking partnership aimed at revolutionising the field of carbon capture and sequestration technology. The two companies have formally agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the objective of collaboratively designing, constructing, and operating a comprehensive carbon capture and sequestration (CCUS) system with integrated NOx reduction. This innovative system will specifically target the capture, transportation, and sequestration of CO2 from the flue gas of natural gas-powered engines, and is anticipated to be operational by the conclusion of 2025.

Ozona, a prominent entity in the burgeoning CCUS sector, brings to the partnership a proven track record in the permitting, design, construction, and operation of CO2 injection facilities. Their extensive expertise in land and mineral rights, petroleum and chemical engineering, geology, geophysics, regulatory compliance, financing, and the construction and operation of pipeline and injection facilities positions them as an indispensable ally in the successful realization of CCUS.

Conversely, CORMETECH boasts over 30 years of experience as a global leader in innovative solutions for reducing NOx, CO, and VOC emissions. They are renowned for their advanced emissions control technology and state-of-the-art, modular PATHWAY™ CO2 Capture technology, which will play a pivotal role in this partnership.

Ozona’s selection of CORMETECH’s next-generation modular adsorber technology over traditional liquid amine systems is a strategic move. This advanced technology offers compelling advantages such as substantial cost savings, a compact physical footprint, environmental sustainability, and advanced NOx control capabilities. Furthermore, the system excels in operational flexibility, ensuring seamless operations during unit start-up and shutdown phases, thereby enhancing overall efficiency and reliability.

This partnership between CORMETECH and Ozona signifies a significant stride towards achieving economically viable and sustainable CO2 capture and sequestration. As the initiative progresses, it is expected to play a pivotal role in combating climate change and promoting cleaner energy solutions.

In conclusion, the collaboration between CORMETECH and Ozona represents a significant advancement in the ongoing endeavour to develop effective and efficient carbon capture and sequestration technology. This partnership has the potential to reshape the landscape of CCUS and make a substantial contribution to the global fight against climate change.