Sabah’s Investment in Rural Entrepreneurs and Industries

2 min read

The government of Sabah, under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor, has allocated a substantial amount of RM2.41 million towards the implementation of the One District One Product Programme (SDSP). This initiative is geared towards providing support and fostering the growth of entrepreneurs and industries in the rural areas of the state. The allocated funds will be utilised for the development of local products such as gongs, flower arrangements, beads, and food products made from indigenous ingredients.

During a statement delivered by Deputy Chief Minister III Datuk Shahelmy Yahya, Hajiji underscored the government’s unwavering commitment to empowering the entrepreneurial sector through a diverse array of initiatives and programmes. These encompass the provision of grants, training, mentorship, access to markets, and financing. The ultimate objective is to equip rural entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to thrive in their respective economic pursuits.

Hajiji also emphasised the establishment of Small and Medium Industry Product Centres (SMIs) or IKS Marts in various locations across the state. These centres serve as venues for local entrepreneurs to converge, showcase, and vend their products. Current locations include Beaufort, Tuaran, Kota Marudu, Ranau, and Oceanus Mall Kota Kinabalu. The government is also in the process of setting up IKS Marts in Sandakan, Keningau, Kalabakan, and Luyang.

The launch of the One District One Product Programme and the establishment of IKS Marts reflect the enduring commitment of the Sabah government to uplifting rural entrepreneurs and industries. By providing the requisite resources and support, the government aims to bolster economic growth and viability in rural areas. These efforts are paramount for nurturing local talent, preserving indigenous traditions, and driving sustainable development.

The statement articulated by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor epitomises the state’s resolve to cultivate a flourishing entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through investment in rural entrepreneurs and industries, Sabah is taking significant strides towards building a more diverse and resilient economy. It is through initiatives such as the One District One Product Programme that the state is able to harness the potential of its rural communities, ultimately contributing to the overall prosperity of Sabah.