Navigating the Future of Publishing: Harnessing the Power of AI

The impact of artificial intelligence on the publishing industry was the focal point of a recent LinkedIn Live panel discussion titled “Beyond Publishing: When AI Is Your Ally” on June 26. Esteemed industry experts, including Edward Nawotka of PW, Nadim Sadek, CEO of, and Rochelle Grayson, co-founder of Circles of AI, convened to share their insights and perspectives on the topic.

Sadek redefined AI as “allied intelligence,” emphasising its potential to unlock creativity and innovation. He emphasised that AI can give voice to those whose ideas may have previously gone unheard, fostering a new wave of creativity. Sadek also stressed that AI can facilitate conceptual collisions and prompt creators to explore uncharted territory, ultimately freeing them from the constraints of their usual creative processes.

The CEO of shed light on the company’s approach to book advertising, revealing their use of sophisticated technology to extract the essence of a book, including its plot, characters, and emotional nuances. This data is then used to create targeted advertising campaigns tailored to specific reader interests.

Meanwhile, Grayson underscored the importance of making AI more accessible to non-technical users. She outlined the necessity for publishers to start small when integrating AI and emphasised the significance of understanding the decision-making process of AI systems. Grayson also stressed the need for transparent communication regarding the internal and external use of AI, advocating for robust crisis management planning.

Nawotka delved into recent advancements in AI rights management, highlighting the launch of Created by Humans, a company dedicated to compensating authors for their work, particularly in the context of large language models.

The varied discussions throughout the panel emphasised the dual nature of AI, presenting both challenges and opportunities for the publishing industry. Grayson noted a generational divide in attitudes towards AI, with younger individuals embracing its potential while older individuals expressing more skepticism.

In his closing remarks, Nawotka urged for a balanced approach to AI adoption, suggesting that the industry reframe its use of the word “content” and instead utilise language that accurately conveys the value and nature of literary works. He highlighted the importance of assigning specific value to different types of writing, such as essays, memoirs, or fiction, to ensure that the conversation around AI and content creation is equitable and respectful.

For those interested in delving deeper into the topics discussed, the full “Beyond Publishing: When AI Is Your Ally” panel is available for viewing on LinkedIn.