In an upcoming production by StoneCrabs Theatre, the captivating life of Marion Carstairs, also known as Joe, is poised to be commemorated on the Isle of Wight. This theatrical piece delves into the story of a pioneering figure from the 1920s who openly lived as a gay woman while making her mark in the realm of powerboat racing and construction.
Marian Carstairs, who was born in London in 1900, inherited her family’s wealth and subsequently relocated to the Isle of Wight. She gained widespread attention as “the fastest woman on water,” attaining renown through her groundbreaking feats in piloting powerboats and even breaking the world water speed record in 1927. Dominic Fontana of the Classic Boat Museum in Cowes lauded her fearlessness during the pioneering era of powerboats, both in her racing career and in her personal life.
Following her triumphs, Carstairs acquired an island in the Bahamas where she continued to lead a lavish lifestyle, hosting extravagant celebrity gatherings. In her later years, she moved to Florida, where she eventually passed away in 1993 at the age of 93.
The play, Joe Carstairs, aims to illuminate the life of this remarkable individual and offers a thought-provoking examination of her gender identity. According to writer Franko Figueiredo, the production provides a “wonderful, honest” portrayal of Carstairs and poses important questions about how she would identify herself in contemporary times.
As part of their research, Figueiredo and the StoneCrabs Theatre Company sought to uncover the queer history of the Isle of Wight, leading them to Joe Carstairs and her compelling story. Figueiredo believes that Carstairs is a hero for the queer community, and he is determined to ensure that her legacy is celebrated and remembered.
This production not only serves as a tribute to Carstairs, but also as a reflection on the changing attitudes towards gender and sexuality from Carstairs’ era to the present day. The play is scheduled to take place at the Quay Arts Centre in Newport from Wednesday until Friday, providing audiences with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the captivating tale of an extraordinary individual.
For individuals keen on staying informed about BBC South’s updates, they can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Furthermore, story ideas can be submitted to [email protected].
The play Joe Carstairs promises to engage audiences with its compelling storytelling, and provides a significant opportunity to honour the life and achievements of an extraordinary individual.