The groundbreaking Drone as First Responder (DFR) debuted at the 2024 Isle of Wight Festival, representing a significant milestone in UK policing. Developed and tested by the National Police Chiefs’ Council Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) pathways programme, this innovative concept aims to revolutionize law enforcement response to incidents by deploying police drones as first responders, providing real-time information to control rooms and operational units.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary and Thames Valley Police collaborated on this landmark trial, marking it as one of the earliest in the UK to test the DFR technology. The simulated DFR capability, in addition to the regular police drones resource, featured a drone being launched from an IDI Automated Deployment System (ADS), a remote box specially designed for drone deployment.
Under the leadership of pilot and NPCC Project Lead, Chris Stagg, the experienced team conducted the trial from a temporary heliport within a restricted area set up for the festival. The DFR capability was deployed in response to a request to verify the correct implementation of road closures, effectively freeing up ground officers to perform their public safety patrol duties. This successful trial provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of DFR technology in routine policing response, highlighting its potential to enhance public safety and provide a dynamic and responsive view of ground situations.
Chris Stagg, also a member of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary and Thames Valley Police Joint Operations Unit, expressed his optimism about the future application of DFR technology in routine policing response. He emphasized its potential to contribute to the safety and well-being of communities, citing the trial as an illuminating experience that showcased the effectiveness of DFR technology in real-world scenarios.
The deployment of DFR technology represents a significant leap forward in law enforcement capabilities, with the potential to improve response times and situational awareness. As technology continues to advance, initiatives such as the DFR trial at the Isle of Wight Festival pave the way for the integration of innovative solutions that bolster public safety and law enforcement effectiveness.
For further information, the Communications office can be contacted via phone at 0800 538 5058 or through email at [email protected]. This historic trial sets the stage for a new era of policing technology, promising enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in safeguarding communities.