Greencare Clinics: A New Approach to Wellness

2 min read

Greencare Clinics has recently launched a lifestyle offering that aims to provide an integrative approach to wellness. Alongside its medicinal cannabis telehealth services, the clinic has engaged a group of lifestyle experts to help people achieve overall well-being.

The team of experts includes former Olympian and mindset coach Michael Klim, stress management coach Dean Gladstone, meditation and mindfulness expert Soelae Riley, yoga facilitator Kate Kendall, nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin, yoga and movement teacher Charlotte Dodson, and health and wellness coach Tory Trewhitt.

According to CEO George Moskos, the goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge, strategies, and tools to achieve wellness in the face of rising health issues such as stress, anxiety, and burnout. Moskos believes that prevention is better than cure, and the clinic aims to provide an integrative health approach that goes beyond clinical care.

A recent study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that almost 43% of people aged 16 to 85 have experienced a mental disorder at some point in their lives, with anxiety being the most common. This highlights the importance of addressing mental health and well-being.

The new lifestyle offering from Greencare Clinics focuses on empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and wellness routines and to cultivate a positive mindset. Each expert in the team will tailor programs to individuals based on their health goals and lifestyle.

Michael Klim, one of the lifestyle experts, is passionate about helping people with goal setting, taking care of their bodies, and developing an elite mindset in everyday life. He believes that leading a balanced lifestyle and increasing motivation are key to tackling life’s challenges.

Incorporating health and wellness measures into our daily routines can significantly reduce the symptoms of stress, burnout, and anxiety that are prevalent in our society. By providing the right guidance and support, Greencare Clinics aims to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

If you’re looking to improve your overall well-being, Greencare Clinics’ lifestyle offering may be just what you need. With a team of experts ready to help you on your journey, you can take control of your health and make informed decisions that will benefit you in the long run. Don’t wait any longer – start prioritizing your wellness today!

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