Why Balancing Hard Work and Healthy Living is Key for Youths

3 min read

Hey guys! So, I came across this news article about how doctors disagree with Narayana Murthy’s 70-hour work week remark. They’re saying that young people should learn to balance hard work with a healthy diet, proper sleep, and exercise. And you know what? I totally agree with them!

According to these medical experts, working 70 hours a week is just too much. They’re suggesting that team leaders at workplaces should divide the work among members in a better way, instead of trying to extract too much from one person. Makes sense, right?

The doctors in Delhi are warning that overwork is causing early onset of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and cervical spondylitis. And it’s not just work that’s affecting their health, but also smoking, drinking, and eating junk food. I mean, we all know that stuff is bad for us, but sometimes we still do it, right?

Dr. Suranjit Chatterjee, a senior consultant at Apollo Hospital in Delhi, said that hard work is important, but we shouldn’t neglect our health. He suggests balancing work with a healthy diet, lifestyle, proper sleep, and exercise. And you know what? I couldn’t agree more!

He also mentioned that many people work hard and then resort to junk food or smoking to de-stress. But guess what? It’s actually making their health worse! So, we need to change that mindset and take care of ourselves.

The doctors are also warning about the consumption of junk food at work, which leads to a ripple effect of bad habits. They’re saying that recreation is important, but it should be done after putting in the hard work. Makes sense, right?

Another doctor at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital said that they’re seeing more young people with early onset of lifestyle diseases. These guys are always glued to their screens, whether it’s their computer or their phone. And you know what? I can totally relate to that!

So, the advice from the doctors is to balance ambition with a healthy lifestyle. Don’t give in to peer pressure or any other kind of pressure. And you know what? That’s some solid advice!

Narayana Murthy suggested that young people should work 70 hours a week to boost productivity. But you know what? I think that’s a bit too much. We can work hard and be productive without sacrificing our health. And that’s what these doctors are saying too!

So, guys, let’s take care of ourselves. Let’s work hard, but also make sure we’re eating right, getting enough sleep, and staying active. It’s all about finding that balance, right?

Alright, that’s it for today’s blog post. Stay healthy and keep hustling!

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