Ineos Grenadier to Serve as Official Vehicle for RNLI Lifesavers

3 min read

In a momentous partnership agreement, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has entered into a collaboration with Ineos Automotive for the next five years. The Ineos Grenadier will be officially designated as the vehicle of choice for RNLI lifeboats, in support of the charity’s volunteer lifesavers and their crucial mission to aid those in distress in the water.

A total of 20 Grenadier station wagons will be strategically deployed at specific locations across the UK and Ireland with the goal of strengthening the charity’s volunteers in their pivotal role of saving lives. While these vehicles will have regular duties at lifeboat stations, their primary function will be to position, launch, and recover the RNLI’s D-class lifeboat at selected stations. The D-Class inflatable boats have been instrumental in the charity’s efforts over the past six decades, having saved over 30,000 lives and assisted more than 160,000 individuals in distress.

Following extensive coastal trials, the Grenadier demonstrated exceptional off- and on-road driving capabilities, as well as robustness and durability to withstand the demands of RNLI operations. This led to the confident decision to integrate them as an essential part of the RNLI’s lifesaving infrastructure.

Expressing enthusiasm for the collaboration, Jamie Chestnutt, RNLI director for engineering and supply, highlighted the alignment between the RNLI’s lifesaving work and Ineos Automotive’s ‘Built for More’ ethos. The support from Ineos Automotive is seen as crucial in sustaining the RNLI’s lifesaving services and providing operational volunteers with top-notch equipment. By teaming up with industry, the RNLI can continue its lifesaving mission in its 200th year and beyond.

In addition to providing the Grenadier vehicles, the partnership will also see Ineos supporting the RNLI in disseminating crucial water safety messages to new audiences. This indicates a significant step towards enhancing awareness of maritime safety and promoting responsible practices among communities.

Lynn Calder, CEO of Ineos Automotive, expressed pride in supporting the RNLI and acknowledged the charity’s relentless and challenging life-saving work. The endorsement of the Grenadier as a vehicle capable of meeting the rigorous standards required for frontline operations is a testament to its reliability under demanding conditions. It is indeed a powerful acknowledgment of the Grenadier’s capability to meet the stringent requirements for such vital frontline work.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Ineos Automotive and the RNLI marks a significant milestone in the charity’s ongoing efforts to safeguard lives at sea. By providing essential support and resources, this partnership aims to sustain the RNLI’s lifesaving service and drive awareness of water safety initiatives. With the Ineos Grenadier poised to play a pivotal role in the RNLI’s mission, the future is looking promising for the charity’s lifesaving endeavors. For those interested in more industry news, click here.