Is it a Mistake to Pay Off Your Student Loan Early? Expert Advises Otherwise

2 min read

Martin Lewis, an esteemed finance expert, has recently issued a warning to individuals regarding the potential risks of prematurely paying off their student loans. In a live Q&A session, a viewer sought guidance on whether to use their surplus funds to overpay their student loan. However, Martin advised that this may not be the most prudent financial decision for everyone.

According to Martin, overpaying a student loan can be beneficial only if one has the means to settle the entire loan in one go. He recommended that, for most individuals, allocating the extra funds towards paying off their mortgage would be a more effective strategy, as mortgage debt can be more challenging to address.

When considering the option of overpaying a student loan, Martin advised viewers to consider their specific loan plan. He stressed that individuals under certain student loan plans may benefit from overpaying, while others may not.

For example, borrowers under plan 2, which pertains to those who took out loans between September 2012 and July 2023, are required to repay 9% of their income over a certain threshold for 30 years, after which the remaining loan is forgiven. Martin pointed out that only 23% of borrowers under this plan are projected to clear their debt before it’s written off, suggesting that for many, overpaying would not significantly impact their overall payments.

However, Martin identified two groups who may benefit from overpaying their loan: high earners and those who borrowed a small amount and can afford to clear it before it’s written off. Conversely, individuals under plan 5, which has a 40-year duration before being forgiven, are more likely to benefit from overpaying their loans, as they have a higher chance of clearing the debt in full.

In conclusion, Martin Lewis’s advice underscores the importance of carefully evaluating the financial implications of overpaying a student loan. While it may be a sound decision for some, it could potentially be a mistake for others, and thoughtful consideration is paramount. Therefore, individuals should carefully assess their options and consider seeking professional financial advice before making a decision.