AI Summit: Big Tech Dominates and Civil Society Feels Left Out

1 min read

Hey there! So, there’s this AI summit happening, right? But guess what? Trade unions, rights groups, and other civil society organizations are feeling totally excluded from it. They’re saying that it’s a missed opportunity and that big tech companies are gonna be the ones calling the shots. The summit is all about artificial intelligence, which is supposed to be this amazing new technology that can change our lives for the better. But there are some concerns, you know? Like, people are worried about surveillance, privacy, and unfair decision-making. They’re also saying that small businesses and artists are getting pushed aside while big tech companies get even more power. It’s not cool, man. The TUC assistant general secretary, Kate Bell, is pretty disappointed about the whole thing. She’s like, ‘Hey, working people should have a say in this too!’ And you know what? She’s right. We should all have a seat at the table when it comes to AI. Anyway, that’s the scoop. Catch you later!

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