Unveiling the Secrets of Mayan Archaeology with LIDAR Technology

Dr. Ken Seligson recently gave a super interesting lecture at Reed College about the use of LIDAR technology in Mayan archaeology. He talked about how LIDAR is changing the game and challenging traditional archaeological models. By using a pulsed laser, LIDAR can digitally map the landscape and reveal hidden archaeological features in the forests. Dr. Seligson showed some amazing images of digitally cleared forests that uncovered long platforms, ancient roads, and even reservoirs. It’s incredible how much information can be gathered from these maps, leading to new insights into population estimates and socio-political changes.

One of the most fascinating things Dr. Seligson discussed was the discovery of smaller sites that would have otherwise been missed. LIDAR has the ability to identify these overlooked sites and provide valuable information about their history. For example, at the Paso del Macho site, Dr. Seligson and his team found a ritual deposit of jade pendants in a ceramic vessel. This suggests that the inhabitants had a strong connection to their beliefs and rituals. Another intriguing find was a unique figurine at the Xanab Chak site. The figurine was from a different region and time period, raising questions about its presence at the site.

While LIDAR technology has revolutionized archaeology, there are also ethical concerns to consider. Dr. Seligson mentioned the issue of consent and privacy when conducting LIDAR flyovers. It’s important to obtain permits from the government, but there is still the question of whether the local communities are involved in the decision-making process. Additionally, there is the risk of publishing sensitive location information that could attract looters. Dr. Seligson emphasized the need to protect these sites and mitigate the potential for destructive activities.

In conclusion, Dr. Seligson’s lecture highlighted the significant impact of LIDAR technology in Mayan archaeology. It has provided a new perspective on the Mayan civilization and allowed for the discovery of hidden treasures. However, it’s crucial to approach this technology ethically and ensure the protection of these valuable archaeological sites. LIDAR is just the beginning, and there is still much more to uncover in the field of archaeology.

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