The Changing Landscape of Workplace Health and Wellness

3 min read

As employers increasingly recognise the influence of employee health on productivity, office wellness programmes are transitioning from a simple perk to an essential component of workplace culture and design. This extends beyond the traditional healthcare approach, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health that employees now anticipate, and property owners and investors can no longer ignore.

The advantages of these programmes are extensive, including improved health, enhanced productivity, reduced absenteeism, heightened job satisfaction, talent retention, and a competitive advantage in the job market. With these benefits, businesses are more likely to renew leases or select buildings that offer health-related perks. The key is to offer a range of facilities and take into account the diverse needs of the tenant population. Wellness offerings can be integrated into office buildings through outdoor areas, healthcare services, and nutritious food options.

The Future of Workplace Wellness
In the past, “wellness” and “fitness” were used interchangeably, and having a couple of treadmills was enough to satisfy tenants. However, the concept of office wellness has now expanded to include fitness centers with top-notch equipment, outdoor facilities for sports and games, and mental health support clinics. Standard elements of a wellness programme may include ergonomic workstations, healthy food options, relaxation spaces, and access to health screenings.

The office building of the future is expected to place a greater emphasis on wellness, with trends indicating a shift from traditional gyms to more versatile wellness spaces. Rooftop and outdoor spaces are being transformed into multipurpose facilities for various activities. These areas might host sports matches or provide relaxation spaces.

A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness
Convenient healthcare services, such as minute clinics offering routine exams and screenings, are another aspect of wellness programmes. Bringing these offerings on site, where tenants can fit them into their schedule, can improve their satisfaction and health.

Food and beverage services that provide healthy options, versatile spaces for wellness activities, and on-site healthcare services are all prime areas for investment. It is crucial to provide indulgent and nutritious choices, creating accessible pathways to healthy eating for a holistic impact.

Programming is a key way to drive active engagement with wellness programmes, such as organising sports tournaments, guided nature walks, and healthy food truck visits. This ensures that employees are connected to the services they want.

Becoming a Leader in Workplace Wellness
Wellness is now a necessity for modern workplaces, particularly for Class A assets. Whether you’re aiming to enhance services for a well-occupied building or attract new leases, multifunctional wellness amenities will continue to provide returns on investment. Experience management is crucial in driving these programmes, ensuring that the wellness spaces are actively utilised by employees.

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