Revolutionizing Patient Care: Kepler Vision Technologies Introduces Groundbreaking Lying Position Detection Module

3 min read

Kepler Vision Technologies has announced a significant advancement with the introduction of a new feature to its Night Nurse system. The innovative Lying Position Detection module is designed to monitor and alert care staff when a patient requires repositioning, thus reducing the risk of pressure ulcers.

Regularly changing a bed-bound patient’s position is crucial in preventing pressure sores and ulcers. The addition of the Night Nurse Lying Position Detection feature not only enhances patient care but also saves time and reduces healthcare costs. Manual patient turning, a labor-intensive and time-consuming task that must be done every two to four hours, can take up to 20 minutes per patient.

The newly introduced system intelligently detects when a patient needs to be moved, providing valuable insights for care providers. It also offers information on a patient’s frequency of changing lying positions, which is instrumental in assessing the risk of pressure ulcers and creating a repositioning schedule if necessary.

Kepler Vision Technologies, headquartered in Amsterdam, leverages artificial intelligence and a single optical sensor to promote the well-being of individuals. Their Night Nurse system includes modules for fall prevention and fall detection, all aimed at enhancing patient safety and care.

Harro Stokman, the CEO and founder of Kepler Vision Technologies, emphasized the transformative capabilities of the system. He stated that the software can analyse video feeds and promptly alert staff when intervention is required, significantly improving response times to critical situations. The efficiency of the system is further demonstrated by its ability to reduce false alarms by an impressive 99%.

Moreover, the system’s AI-powered image analysis programme outperforms traditional motion sensors, bed mats, and wearable monitoring systems, offering a more accurate and reliable means of ensuring patient safety. By providing adjustable notifications and detailed activity reports, the system allows for tailored care and long-term monitoring, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes.

Kepler Vision Technologies has a presence in countries such as France, Belgium, Norway, and Spain, and is currently in discussions with potential partners in the UK. This recognizes the pressing need for innovative solutions amidst staffing challenges in the NHS.

Stokman highlighted the potential of the system to alleviate the burden on healthcare workers and mitigate the effects of increased pressure and burnout. He expressed confidence in the system’s ability to reduce workload, ultimately enhancing the well-being of both patients and care providers.

In a related development, a consortium of organizations in Northern Ireland secured funding for the Move More Live More programme, which utilizes AI to reduce falls among the elderly population. This collaborative initiative underscores the growing recognition of AI-powered solutions in revolutionizing healthcare practices and improving patient outcomes.

The introduction of Kepler Vision Technologies’ Lying Position Detection module marks a significant advancement in patient care, offering a sophisticated and proactive approach to ensuring the well-being of bed-bound individuals. With its potential to alleviate the challenges faced by healthcare providers, this innovative system represents a promising step towards enhancing the quality of care for vulnerable patients.

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