Get Ready for Finals with Learning Technology Support Sessions

2 min read

As the end-of-semester finals approach, faculty and staff can receive the necessary support to excel, courtesy of the assistance provided by Learning Technology Solutions.

The committed team at Learning Technology Solutions is delighted to offer daily support sessions, ensuring that users receive the guidance and assistance required to address any queries or obstacles they may encounter. These sessions encompass a broad range of topics, including finalizing the Canvas Gradebook, transferring grades from Canvas to PeopleSoft, requesting Canvas sites for the upcoming semester, Canvas course copying, and other related inquiries pertaining to grade transfer from Canvas to PeopleSoft.

To enhance accessibility, individuals can consult the Office of Information and Technology Learning and Engagement Events Calendar to identify a session that suits their schedule. For additional information or assistance, individuals can contact the Learning Technology Solutions team at [email protected].

The availability of these support sessions not only guarantees that faculty and staff are equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary for success, but also emphasizes the university’s dedication to fostering academic excellence. With appropriate support and guidance, individuals can approach their final assessments with the assurance that they possess the essential tools to perform to the best of their abilities.

In conclusion, the provision of learning technology support sessions serves as a valuable resource for faculty and staff, enabling them to approach the end of the semester with confidence. By availing themselves of the assistance provided, individuals can streamline their workflow, gain a better understanding of essential tools, and ultimately, enrich their overall academic experience.

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