Successful 17th Annual Marine Technology Conference in Greece

2 min read

The 17th Annual Conference of Marine Technology, organized by the Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (H.I.M.T) at the Eugenides Foundation, was a momentous success, attracting 500 delegates. Distinguished figures such as the President of HIMT Dr. N. Liapis, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Mr. Ch. Stylianides, and the Member of the Board of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. N. Mavrikos graced the opening ceremony, sharing valuable insights on behalf of their respective organizations.

This year’s conference focused on pivotal topics such as decarbonization technologies, artificial intelligence, and ship autonomy. A key takeaway from the event was the imperative need for the maritime industry to align itself with educational and research institutions, with the ultimate aim of positioning Greece as a leading maritime technology hub.

Over the course of the two-day conference, 14 scientific and research papers were presented, providing attendees with the latest updates on product trends and developments. Greek and European researchers, as well as global companies, showcased cutting-edge technologies and smart applications, highlighting their potential to support current and emerging trends in the maritime industry.

An important aspect of this year’s conference was the emphasis on start-up companies and their role in advancing marine technology. A panel discussion provided these start-ups with a platform to showcase their contributions. Additionally, a Round Table discussion facilitated a thorough analysis of the challenges and compliance methods related to GHG regulations within the maritime community.

Dr. N. Liapis, the President of HIMT, utilized the conference as a platform to announce the launch of scholarships offered by the Institute, in line with their dedication to education. Moreover, the results of the scholarship award for the Master’s Program (MSc) in Marine Engineering Management at BCA College for the academic year 2023-2024 were also unveiled during the event.

The 17th Annual Conference of Marine Technology culminated in a Gala Dinner at the Piraeus Marine Club, where the EUGENIDES FOUNDATION was honoured with the HIMT award for their multifaceted contributions to Greek society and the advancement of education in maritime technology.

Undoubtedly, the conference proved to be a resounding success, with a diverse range of valuable discussions and insights garnered from esteemed professionals and experts in the field. The collaboration between industry leaders, researchers, and emerging start-ups at the event bodes well for the future of marine technology.

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