The post Exploring Ancestral Ties: The Woolfords’ Journey in Guyana first appeared on The London Bell.
]]>From 25 March to 8 April 2024, British filmmaker and photographer Mal Woolford and project collaborator Charlotte Woolford visited Guyana for research and photography. This visit marked Mal’s first trip to the country, coinciding with Charlotte’s personal journey to assist her mother. The pair had met serendipitously and started exploring their familial ties, with links to past slavery in the Woolford lineage. Mal carried out research at various local archival institutions while collaborating with Charlotte on analogue photography around their shared ancestral roots in Georgetown, further involving the local photographic community with a special presentation.
The connection between Mal and Charlotte Woolford dates back to historic transatlantic chattel slavery, linking them through their ancestors. Mal is descended from Thomas Woolford, who left Wiltshire for Barbados, where his kin later claimed compensation for enslaved individuals. It is believed that Charlotte descends from those enslaved by the Woolford family in Georgetown, illustrating a complex history of connection and displacement over the centuries. Their reunion in London, where they now reside as neighbours, underlines the intricate ties of their shared heritage.
The Woolfords’ dialogue between past and present highlights the enduring impacts of history on personal identities. Through their collaborative project in Guyana, Mal and Charlotte not only explored their familial connections but also engaged with local communities, fostering a deeper understanding of their shared heritage.
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The post Exploring Ancestral Ties: The Woolfords’ Journey in Guyana first appeared on The London Bell.